Telugu Stories

కోతి మొసలి [Monkey and Crocodile]

“Use intelligence to win in difficult situations” – this story is about a monkey and crocodile and how monkey uses its presence of mind to escape a grave danger situation! This is classic story from Panchatantra tales and a must listen for every kid in the world!

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తెలివి [Smartness]

“Opportunities finds smart people” – this is a story of three smart persons who use their abilities to deduct great depth of information by observing simple things around them! Play this story to your kids, to improve their razor sharp observation and reasoning skills!

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విలువైన సంపద [Valuable wealth]

Telugu Audio Stories for Kids
This story is about a naive king who donates excessively to citizens and how he realizes through his responsible prime minister. “Standing on one’s own feet” is essential for any society to thrive. Play this story to your kids, it will help them learn to grow independent and responsible!

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